4 Editing Jobs in Südtirol
- Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok (Seiten, Posts, Werbung)
- Google Ads
- Email Marketing
- Influencer Marketing
- SEO und UX
- Interesse für Marketplaces (z.B. Amazon)
- Sehr guter Umgang mit den Programmen des Microsoft-Pakets (Excel, Word, Outlook)
Your Tasks
- Design and creation of targeted graphics (products, images, customer cases, news) for all kind of media, on- & offline
- Design, editing of Marketing & Sales materials incl. handling of external productions
- Planning and execution of video & photo shootings
- Graphical support for designing and implementation of trade fairs & events
- Responsibility for the global Corporate Design together with the Head of Marketing
- Support for various further inhouse graphical needs
Du liebst Social Media, Design & kreative Videoproduktion? Du möchtest in einer flexiblen und inspirierenden Umgebung arbeiten, egal von wo? Dann haben wir genau das richtige für dich!
- Creating and editing presentations in German, Italian, and English
- Supporting the department head in operatinal tasks, preparing meetings and managing correspondence
- Contribuiting to strategic projects
- Welcoming visitors and taking minutes during meetings
- Maintaining and improving the management system